N.H.L. Offers Players 50-50 Revenue Split
Under the older agreement the players got 57% of the revenue The owners’ initial proposal would have given the players 43 percent, and a more recent proposal, made Sept. 13, offered 47 percent. The players have proposed accepting diminished pay raises that would reduce their share of revenue to about 53 percent.
With its latest move, the N.H.L. has offered the approximate revenue split achieved by N.F.L. and N.B.A. owners after lockouts in those leagues last year. Bettman has often said that N.H.L. owners are seeking a similar split. So we might be seeing some ice time on the TV after all and Gary Bettman is working on a way for us not to miss out on the 82 game season. We might be in for a long season of hockey or more hockey on TV. We will have hockey by Nov. 2nd.