How To Properly Organize Your Workouts To Get JACKED For The Beach This Summer Part 5

Friday, January 04, 2013 , , , 0 Comments

The other day I was working out and I got highly impatient.  I was listening to Bodies by Drowning Pool and became highly aggressive.  I almost said forget the prep phase and walked over to the squat rack.  More than anything I wanted to sniff some ammonia, exchange head butts with a couple bros and go for a squat or deadlift PR.  But, then I remembered that it's best to stick to the plan. There's nothing more detrimental to my gains than lifting too heavy too soon.  However, there's nothing better than loading plates onto a bar and taking care of business. Why? Because nothing gets you JACKED and puts a chip on your shoulder like moving weight.

Mike Tyson was known to be a heavy squatter.  I've seen videos of him doing 225 for reps, nice-n-smooth....look what it did for him.

Franco Columbu had the perfect body type for deadlifting.....

 but regardless of body type deadlifting will get you JACKED with some huge traps.

Squats and Deadlifts are the bread and butter of Maximum Strength Training.....

.....Why? Because maximum strength training is developed by using near maximal loads or loads close to 1 RM.  There are no other lifts that can do this better than the squat or deadlift.  In my opinion maximum strength is far more important to gaining size than hypertrophy work simply because the higher loads are far more effective at recruiting and damaging the fast-twitch motor units.  When you damage these, you grow. Side note: you grow when you rest and eat enough, not in the gym, so stick to the plan and work it. There's no need to do an extra thousand reps, it's only increasing recovery time.

In order to recruit and damage the fast-twitch motor units you need to use maximal loads or 80-100% of 1 RM. The higher loads create high levels of tension in the muscles, which causes them to store more protein or thicken.  So if you want that tone, dense look start utilizing strength work.

Here are the training guidelines for the strength phase....

- 6 weeks
- 1-8 reps per set (although the weight may physically move slowly always try to move it as fast as possible)
- 10-20 sets for beginners      20-40 sets for advanced
- 3-5 minute rest intervals (you must be fully recovered unlike hypertrophy work)
- 2-3 workouts per week depending on training level (you must be fully recovered unlike hypertrophy work)
- use 80-100% of 1 RM

Here's what a sample strength phase might look like:

Week 1
Deadlift - 70% for 8 reps and 3 sets
Bench Press - 70% for 8 reps and 3 sets
Squat - 70% for 8 reps and 3 sets

Week 2
Deadlift - 80% for 6 reps and 5 sets
Bench Press - 80% for 6 reps and 5 sets
Squat - 80% for 6 reps and 5 sets

Week 3
Deadlift - 90% for 3 reps and 5 sets
Bench Press - 90% for 3 reps and 5 sets
Squat - 90% for 3 reps and 5 sets

Week 4
Deadlift - 80% for 6 reps and 5 sets
Bench Press - 80% for 6 reps and 5 sets
Squat - 80% for 6 reps and 5 sets

Week 5
Deadlift - 90% for 3 reps and 5 sets
Bench Press - 90% for 3 reps and 5 sets
Squat - 90% for 3 reps and 5 sets

Week 6
Deadlift - 100% for 1 rep and 2 sets
Bench Press - 100% for 1 rep and 2 sets
Squat - 100% for 1 rep and 2 sets

Arnold built his foundation with squats & you know they work, now get to it!

Next up.....muscle definition phase.



Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google