Notre Dame - USC Rivalry

Saturday, November 24, 2012 , , 0 Comments

Notre Dame with a win could make it to the BCS Championship game, so there is a lot that is riding on this game for the Fightin’ Irish. They are current up 16-10 against USC.

Notre Dame’s defense is holding up to the USC Trojans. College football doesn't get much better than this Saturday's slate of games; Saturdays are almost never better than this. With a slew of rivalry matchups on the docket, a bunch of highly-rated teams in them, and leftovers in the fridge, Hate Week's final day presents a sheaf of compelling reasons to spend noon to midnight on your couch.

Notre Dame and USC have to be the game of the week. Hoping that you are rooting for the Irish.

Nick the car guy

Nick the car guy

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google