Bombshell Next Door Meets on The Guys Corner

Thursday, October 18, 2012 0 Comments

Hello Gentleman,

My name is Austen (Yes, I am a girl. Yes, I have a boys name). I am The Bombshell Nextdoor! Nick was nice enough to invite me to guest blog on The Guys Corner and I am just blushing at the opportunity. My job here is to give you (guys) a woman's perspective on all things guy related. I know, I know! Like you need another woman's opinion. We are always so eager to make sure you know what is on our mind. But I promise you I will make it worth your while and if you makes you feel any better I am blatantly honest and have no shame.

I am twenty something years old. By day I am legal assistant at a law firm in the Metro Detroit area and by night I am a laundry doing, dog walking, dinner making machine. I enjoy cold beer, dark chocolate, college football, shopping, purses, shopping for purses, and boating.

Things I do not enjoy: bad drivers, mushrooms, creepy foreign men, when my car makes weird noises I can't identify, and not getting enough sleep.

So there you have it gentleman, just little ol' me. Look forward to my posts under "Bombshell News" and I look forward to you reading them.

Till next time.




Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google