Vajra Inside The Flame

Vajra is intelligent, East Indian inspired hard rock complete with tablas, hand drums, loud guitars, and ethereal, hypnotic vocals courtesy of project creator Annamaria Pinna. Any fans of Nine Inch Nails, Tool, Dead Can Dance and The Tea Party should love this new band.

Annamaria’s powerful vocals are highlighted by Blake Fleming (ex-The Mars Volta) on drums, Doug Wright (The Dirty Pearls) on bass, and Will Dahl (ex-Harley’s War) on guitar. Vajra’s vocals were co-produced and mixed by Sylvia Massy (Tool, System of A Down, Prince, Johnny Cash. Tom Baker (NIN, Foo Fighters, Ministry, Prince) mastered.

In support of Pleroma’s spring release, Vajra will perform the following tour dates:
March 14, 2012 – Red Gorilla/Tinderbox Showcase (Austin, TX)
March 15, 2012 – The Heart of Texas Rockfest Mainstage (Austin, TX)
March 24, 2012 – The Bowery Ballroom (New York, NY)

Find out more about Vajra at
Nick the car guy

Nick the car guy

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google