New York About To Get Hot T-Shirts

Welcome to…make yourself at home, enjoy the visit!!!Its true New York is about to get a hot new t-shirt the company  Love Life Swagger is coming to New York with some new t-shirts.  They even have LLS Kids appeal that will be hitting the stores soon in 3 locations New York, Detroit, and California.

The t-shirt is a symbol of having fun with life and know that Love Life Swagger is getting there name out there  they are now sponsoring local music artists to help get their name out there to more people. Just give it a couple months and you will see LLS show up at your local New York store and it will be the new trend.

LLS kids come in all sizes you can get any thing in a small, medium, or large and make it look good. this is there are about to be some hot but crazy LLS New York designs to come out and you need to that it will be a hot ticket item and everyone one will or should want to wear some love swagger because you can't be naked...anywhere.

Nick the car guy

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google